When asked if I could do any job if money was no object, my response was "I would love to own a not-for-profit in a heartbeat."

Greta'sDoughNation is a small business that sells ready-to-bake cookie dough and fresh baked cookies and donates a percentage of proceeds with each purchase to Feeding America and Hope for Paws. Greta'sDoughNation was built on the premise to build a sustainable business that can make a profit but also give back. If every business was built on this model our world would be a different place. Imagine the possibilities.

Greta set out on a mission to change the world one cookie at a time. Her cookies are built with TLC, and a dash of unique, a pound of love, a cup of sophistication, a dose of reality; knowing that this world is a busy place and not all of us have time to make homemade cookies every time we have the itch for one OR every time we have a dinner party or a kid's birthday party -- Greta's cookies are ready-to-bake in your oven for those last-minute needs. OR ready to serve after they arrive right to your doorstep.